Heartbreak recovery programme

A sensitive and empowering programme to assist you through the devastating experience of Love Addiction and Co-dependency

Move Beyond Grief and Love Withdrawal: Survive the overwhelming symptoms of Love Addiction, Co-dependency and Abandonment.

Recover from an addictive unhappy relationship and overcome:

  • Heartbreak of Rejection
  • Jealousy
  • Lovesickness
  • Lost Love
  • Unrequited Love after or during a painful relationship or breakup.

If you have any questions before purchasing the program please dont hesitate to email me at enquiries@helenmiaharris.com or visit https://lovingtoomuch.com

Helen Mia-Harris-Expert-Relationship-Therapist

What is in this programme?

This easy to use, sensitive and empowering recovery programme is for anyone who is experiencing the devastating symptoms of: Love and Loss, Co-dependency, unrequited love, heartbreak, obsessive love, loving too much, anxious attachment, rejection, love withdrawal, jealousy and an addiction to romantic love.

With over 10 hours of videos, guided journeys, meditations and with 300+ page workbook “A Personal Journey Through an Addiction to Romantic Love” woven sensitively around Helen’s personal journey throughout 300+ pages.

It will give you:

The EXACT tools, insights, exercises & techniques to finally end the addictive love cycle of yearning and longing, which is DESTROYING any chance you have of breaking free and moving on after a painful break up…

The antidote to loving too much and emotional dependency and help you learn how to love yourself.

How to overcome repetitive obsessive thought patterns and become the MASTER of your own emotions & mental state.

Helen will teach you how to unlock your inner strength to let go and move past lost love and heartbreak as it’s not about them! It’s about YOU.

Helen Mia-Harris-Expert-Relationship-Therapist
Helen Mia-Harris-Expert-Relationship-Therapist
Click to Buy the Programme Now

Note: All payments are taken securely via PayPal.  You can submit payment with your debit or credit card. 

Helen Mia-Harris-Expert-Relationship-Therapist

I was a love addict and every partner I had seemed to run away from my neediness. I did the online program and found that I could relate to all of it, the videos, meditations and the personal stories made me feel like I wasn’t losing my mind as I identified with the people especially Mathew’s Story. What she’s done for me is a miracle really. I now have my own life, and I can see that people find me more attractive and interesting as I’m no longer so needy. Thank you so much Helen for helping me to understand that we can’t “make” someone love us in return if they don’t feel the same way – you really are an insightful and genuine therapist, it shines through in your videos”

Paul (Ireland)

“Helen, you and your life changing programme have really helped me find myself again. Literally! I was needy, insecure, emotional, unsociable and un-trusting, looking for any word or signs that would send me into a blind rage of jealousy and insecurity. After doing your recovery programme I feel like I have been on a long journey of self discovery, I can’t thank you enough for giving me my life back.”


A Message from Helen

“I KNOW with certainty and passion I can help you through this devastating time of lost love and abandonment through or after a painful breakup. I can fully relate to what you are feeling as I have been there and I know how hard it is to break free from the damaging grip of addictive love, Co-dependency and the overwhelming fear of being rejected, unwanted and discarded.

I completely understand how stuck we can feel when we don’t have the answers; tools and insights that we “need” to survive this affliction of the heart in love.

For this reason I have created with passion and sincerity this 27 step Recovery Programme and the Workbook that is woven around my own personal story from my journals at that time. This sensitive programme can be done from the comfort of your own home and I know it will really help restore your confidence, emotional recovery and self worth and regain your enthusiasm for life. Break free of an addictive relationship that is making you feel sorrowful, anxious and unhappy.”

Helen Mia Harris – Expert Relationship Therapist, Couples Therapist, Counsellor and Marriage Coach. Specialist in Love Addiction, Heartbreak and Co-dependency. MBACP Registered, MCNS Accredited.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any” Alice Walker

Helen Mia-Harris-Expert-Relationship-Therapist

The online programme was literally my life raft and saw me through the worst possible break up pain …. I can’t believe I’m over him but I am with many lessons learnt.

I will always be grateful to you for the programme, particularly the workbook, and all your advice and insight.


Benefits of this programme

In this compassionate programme you will understand most of all that you can choose YOU, and you will SURVIVE the heartbreak of rejection and loss. I have been where you are now and I know with all my heart this life affirming online resource will help ease your painful symptoms of unrequited love and loss.

Most of all it will help you to SURVIVE the Addictive Love Cycle and assist you to THRIVE and love without losing yourself…

This programme will help you heal a broken heart, an addiction to romantic love, an impossible, passionate desire and the debilitating symptoms of lost love so you can live entirely and wholeheartedly in alignment with your own authenticity and help you to fabricate emotional self reliance and live the passionate life you truly deserve. 

Give yourself the gift of empowerment, take charge of your life & relationships that give you mutual love and emotional connection..

  • Learn how to heal and soothe the anxious and obsessive symptoms of rejection, panic, love addiction and love withdrawal after a painful breakup

  • How to break free from the physical, emotional and psychological symptoms of “love withdrawal”

  • Learn how to reclaim your own inner strength and an authentic connection to yourself to free you from a Co-dependent on/off unhealthy relationship

  • Gain as much knowledge and insight as possible to keep affirming that “Being in love does NOT mean being in emotional pain”.

  • Understanding the difference between healthy love and insecure, anxious love and learn why the love addict finds it difficult to leave their “avoidant” partner

  • Understand your natural longing for love and union, how to experience a sense of self love, self validation, autonomy, independence and emotional self reliance

  • Explore your pattern of loving too much and learn how to love in a healthier way, reverse the powerless symptoms of self abandonment, fear of being alone and feeling unlovable; learn to love without losing YOU!

  • Feel empowered enough to say NO if you are in a relationship whereby the love you feel for another isn’t mutually reciprocated.

  • Redirect your craving for love to developing a fundamental connection to yourself through 27 strategies, tips, insights, exercises and visualisations which will help you to gain inner strength, solitude, self worth, self respect and lovability

  • Learn that the antidote for loving too much and co-dependency is all about learning to love yourself.

Click to Buy the Programme Now

Note: All payments are taken securely via PayPal.  You can submit payment with your debit or credit card. 

“It is only when we no longer compulsively need someone that we can have a ‘real’ relationship with them.” Anthony Storr

I have found Helen and her programme in the total midst of mental torment, unable to stay in an unhealthy relationship but unable to leave due to deep issues with attachment trauma resulting in fear and terror and a total inability to detach. A repeated pattern from one relationship to the next. Confusion and internal punishment about what is addiction, what is love. A total focus on the relationship and not on myself.

For me and my personal circumstances, Helen’s support and programme are steering me away from the mental torment of this impossible decision.  To accept where I am and to focus on what is important. The work is helping me to see my role in all my relationships both current and past and where this is causing me to become ‘stuck’ and that this change is what’s important. I am being shown how I seek to recreate the original childhood traumas as familiarity brings back the distorted sense of safety I felt as a child. She is helping me to see that the focus is about this pattern in me and not staying or going. This not only feels like a huge relief, but I feel reassured that whatever happens with my current relationship I will learn how to have healthy relationships be it with my current partner, someone new in the future and most importantly with myself. 


©HMH Publications. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, sold, stored in a retrieval system, or in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher. This is for your own personal use. For legal reasons we are obliged to state the following:

To the fullest extent permitted by law, HMH Publications is providing this written material, its subsidiary elements and its contents on an ‘as is’ basis and make no (and expressly disclaim all) representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this written material or its contents, including, without limitation, advice and recommendations, warranties or merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose.

Helen Mia Harris is a registered therapist but offers her insights and advice for guidance only. All dates, place names, titles and events in this account are factual. However, the names have been changed in order to protect privacy and respect patient confidentiality.

It is also wise to have face-to-face grief counselling or relationship therapy as this programme is by no means the absolute cure for the acute despair one can experience at this devastating time. If you are experiencing: panic, depression, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, anxiety or separation distress, it is vital that you also make an appointment with your local General Practitioner; this can be coupled by seeing a therapist or psychoanalyst in your local area.

Guarantee: I am confident that this programme will help you to find your way past the devastating experience of lost love and sadness.

Provided you take the time to go through the therapeutic workbook and 6 eBooks on how to survive a broken heart, love withdrawal following heartbreak, which is woven around my own personal story and all the videos and guided journeys to alleviate anxiety symptoms.

If you have done this and you are still unhappy, I will give you your money back with no questions asked.